
First aid box in my home is a small-mouthed tin with a wide assortment of things inside it, from cotton balls, band-aids, Dettol, to abandoned hairclips widened beyond use, bobby pins unearthed from other dimensions..a myriad of things had found a home in our first aid box.
One day as I was rummaging inside it for a band-aid, something red and translucent caught my eye and I fished out my old wristwatch from amidst the clutter.  Memories of my childhood clouded my senses and I was transported back in time.

Back in the days, owning a wristwatch was like being inducted into “I am intelligent and mature enough to tell my time” hall of fame. My cousin had bought back this red translucent strapped watch as a gift from the United States where she had visited Disneyland. The dial of the watch had Minnie mouse with her hand clasped as if in a sigh, smitten with Mickey, who if you would have it, was the second's hand. Mickey was this small heart-shaped second-hand orbiting the love stuck Minnie.

I was so proud of it and loved the shiny red colour of it and I still remember flaunting it haughtily to the collective dismay of my friends. I think I had it from the age of nine to maybe 12 or 13 and then I grew my way out of it. I moved from the cute little red flashy watch to something more sophisticated. The second watch I owned had its second's hand with a glowing green luminous colour which I have on very many occasions covered my hands with to darken the dial and show the luminous effect( on second thought I shouldn't have used the word sophisticated, clearly the second watch was no improvement from the first )

With the course of time, I changed my watches to more bleak looking colours of black and brown, without any shiny or conspicuous looking features whatsoever.
Image Courtesy-Pinterest

As time counted its way through my ever-changing taste in watches, I too was growing up from the girl blinded by shiny watches to someone the experiences were shaping me into. But today when I found that single relic from my past I realised I have reached a juncture in my life where I no longer wear watches. That was a poignant realisation, for I had grown from the tiny innocent girl mesmerised by the shiny little things, to a sombre human being for whom nothing excites anymore? I used to be a person who always wore a watch no matter what the occasion was and at one point in my life, I decided to do away with it for no particular reason.
What might have overcome me to make such a decision? I know not. But holding onto this nostalgic piece of reminder helped me in rooting for the once exciting person that I was, and in accepting the person that I have changed into.

Now to keep that innocent part of me alive, I have bought a new watch, although bleak and black and have decided to continue wearing it during this tumultuous journey of our life. I hope a little part of the past exciting me will latch onto it and will time travel with me into whatever the future has in store for me


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