Hard things

“What is the hardest thing you had to do?” he asked.
Silence smelled of their mingled sweat
“Learning to love him” she said after a while.
He turned to look at her.
“He is a complicated man,
Walls are high up around his heart.
Scaling them was the most difficult thing I had to do,
I am still climbing,
I am not over those walls,
I am yet to see his heart,
To completely call it mine.

Some days are easy.
He would open up his shutters,
For me to run wild in his world.
Days like that overwhelm me with a sense of joy.
But sometimes, days would pass by,
Without even the slightest exchange of words.
I would bleed profusely on those days.
His isolation makes me impatient, insecure.
I feel I am not enough for him,
That he deserved more.
On days like that, I wish,
I wish he would at least look my way.
See me for the wounded animal I am,
Whimpering alone in the corner.

But he wouldn't see me.
He is too blinded.
His senses are clouded”.

“Is that why you are here?”.

“I want to feel wanted by someone.
A validation that I exist for some reason”.

He moved in closer stretching his arms beneath her head.
She was staring up ahead at the ceiling
a blank look on her face.

“Do you still..” he lingered, running his hands along the side of her face.

“Of course I do..with every ounce of my heart”.


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