The smell of earth

Many a times have we been transported back in time by just the whiff of  earth after it had rained for the first time since a long dry spell. It would always remind us of the innocent times when we used to run amok with a carefree attitude with no worries whatsoever of the future or anything for that matter except the subtle fantasies that we used to entertain as kids: oh how sakthiman would beat the new evil, would we get to bat first for the next cricket match..ah those times.
Remember those long summer vacation we all so hungrily devoured. It would start off with that giddy feeling we get when we realize the first thing in the morning when we wake up that we have two entire months of freedom from books. That thought alone would bring a wave of happiness which nothing else can give. All of a sudden waking up early in the morning wouldn't seem as much of a  burden it used to be on an average school day. We'd all be filled with this entirely unearthly hyperactivity  which albeit would be absent on any other given day. Sumptuous meals with no worry of putting weight was another perk of childhood vacations. Our monotonous daily routine food items would be replaced with the new relaxed mom's uber cool tasty new inventions  
but Its the evenings that makes us come alive; with streets lined up with kids playing random things, the limited boundaries of roads and paddy fields, with small kids for spectators, the sheer energy of it propelling us to imaginary stadium like feel, childhood vacations might in fact be one of those things we'd always want to go back to no matter how old. Back then parents used to be much less worried about kids spraining their ankles  or ending up with injuries, and back then we used to be less scared of the falling and hurting ourselves. We used to consider them as normal. Sporting bruises post vacation was in fact one of our hobbies like a winner flaunting his medals. then there are those little  fights that break out in the name of whether it was indeed a four or clean bowl or the epic one of it being an LBW in a cricket game since none of us never really had a clear idea of what it indeed actually was. But never can we sleep remaining cross with our friends and we didnt need an adult intervention to solve them. Probably because we were blessed with innocent minds which were yet to be tainted with ego.With sun tanned reddish faces we'd return after our parents had given us the final ultimatum for reaching home.
Thinking back now, those times used to give us a sense of satisfaction and completeness no money or gadgets or luxury can provide. That feeling of not having to care about anything else other than the countdown for the end of vacations, would be a luxury we'd only have once in our lifetime.


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