A potion for your magical ailment

 I always thought the feeling of emptiness were reserved for those few unfortunate lost lovers. And the next big thing close to emptiness that i have felt was when harry potter book series were concluded. Now this idea was met with a solemn nod from my dear editor friend who shares my same feeling. So here i am taking my optimistic twist to this glum theme and i solemnly swear that i am up to no good.
Now i don’t know how many of you out there are real Hp fans, but my fingers are crossed for you guys to outnumber our nemeses.  Because i know a lot of them snorting at the mere mention of Harry potter because they've been too short-sighted as to just watch the movies and never really give the time of the day to actually read the books. For those of us, the die-hard fans, we know that harry potter was just not about the unrealistic world of magic, it was so much more than that. It might be hard for the other side to contemplate this since they have already judged the book by its cover or feel too old to go through the pain of reading it: here's what you have missed.
Now i remember holding my first harry potter book, me skeptically staring at the cover of  the jet black haired boy looking equally incredulous at the scarlet train at platform nine and three quater’s (wow merely writing that sentence gave me a trip back to good old days). Back then i was too young to decide for myself if this would work for me or not ,just by reading the back cover synopsis. No, i was just a twelve year old girl jumping head first into the magic realm of J.K Rowling. The relentless sleepless nights i spent devouring the book was too damn high because literally you couldn't put down the book. Sleep felt like eons before i could have it in my hands again. After the first book, reading the second felt like seeing your old friends again.  Explaining that feeling will be an understatement no matter how well versed it is. And i still remember the sinking feeling i had when the final book was released. Knowing that ,you will no more have the genuine Harry , the brilliant Hermoine, the funny Ron(blimey!) and all the others ,with my personal favourite of the Weasley twins, is like parting with your friends. The hangover of Dumbeldore’s death still fresh in our mind,  the waves of remorse for hating Snape all the time, when George died and we knew things would never be the same, or when Dobby was asked never to save Harry’s life again and we know how that ended.... Yes those were the times when you hid Hp books behind your textbooks in pretext of studying for exams.Those were some pretty awesome times.
And we all know that we’ll forever be in debt to Rowling for defining a big era in our childhood as well as in our adulthood. We’ll always cherish the Big Hagrid and even the nose less He who must not be named. Thank you Rowling

Mischief managed


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