
Showing posts from October, 2017

A potion for your magical ailment

 I always thought the feeling of emptiness were reserved for those few unfortunate lost lovers. And the next big thing close to emptiness that i have felt was when harry potter book series were concluded. Now this idea was met with a solemn nod from my dear editor friend who shares my same feeling. So here i am taking my optimistic twist to this glum theme and i solemnly swear that i am up to no good. Now i don’t know how many of you out there are real Hp fans, but my fingers are crossed for you guys to outnumber our nemeses.  Because i know a lot of them snorting at the mere mention of Harry potter because  they've  been too short-sighted as to just watch the movies and never really give the time of the day to actually read the books. For those of us, the  die-hard  fans, we know that harry potter was just not about the unrealistic world of magic, it was so much more than that. It might be hard for the other side to contemplate this since they have already judged the book by i

November rain

November rain Although we keralites are blessed with the near perfect climate all year around, my personal favourite would have to be the  months of october and november and heres why Its past the monsoon season and we had made our transition from "must have  umbrella " to singing "mr blue sky" at the top of our lungs. The monsoon have given way to blue smeared skies with white puffy clouds and right when we are getting used to those beautiful mornings, out comes the much versed Thulavarsham. Like monsoon but with less intensity and more sort of a...romantic air to it. Unlike the monsoon with its all day dripping scenarios and muddy puddles accompanying it, the november rain has a more added beauty to it :hence the depiction of it as backdrop to many romantic poems proclaiming first love or well in some cases long lost love. There is an almost artistic beauty to way the skies darken and the rains shower down upon us. You become less frustrated with the rain and