
Showing posts from July, 2019

Chaos of the unseen frontier

(With quotes from Fathima Ashgar ’s “ If they come for us”) Remember those thick chunky social science textbooks we used to study? The history textbooks taught us about Indian history, sacrifices, massacres, the  non-violence  movements. However, there was a less taught topic, an anticlimax to Nehru’s dream of Unified India, the Partition.    I checked with my friends to  see if I alone was oblivious to the monstrosity of this mass migration. And truth be told , they too had only a little knowledge about this.    I  realized  the grotesqueness of this massacre especially when I read these lines from Fatima   Ashgar ’s  poem, “If they come for us”   1947: The cannons sound during    Ramzan and everyone hold their breath   To find who survived.  Laylat   Al  Qadar   Births two nations.   No one knows the boundaries   Bodies spoon like commas,  waiting, linking , waiting.”   India’s partition was an inevitable climax to the 200-year-old B